January 29, 2011: The Winter Party at Carol & Art's home went off splendidly! Many thanks to Mandy for her organizational skills, and to Art and Carol for hosting us. The food was wonderful, and the business meeting was short. According to our new Treasurer, Bryan, we are still solvent. He will be reminding us soon about when our dues are due.
Larry graciously offered his home, with its new natural gas generator, as a warming station for the neighbors the next time there is a power outage. He also encouraged us to check in on our neighbors from time to time, to be sure they are comfortable.
Speaking of generators, Lenny will look into getting a discount if several neighbors buy at the same time.
We had a brief discussion about plowing our streets. We will be writing letters to Ike Leggett and Roger Berliner requesting earlier county service, because our hill is such an unusual obstacle. We are also looking into getting a private contractor to plow our street and cul de sacs.
January 26-27, 2011: Thundersnow! Yes, we had a snowstorm with thunder and lightning (pretty rare). See photos here. Not so rare, however, was the loss of power on our street. This time, Pepco got our power back on after about 16 hours. Shortly thereafter the power went out for less than an hour, but has been back ever since. |
September 6, 2010: The Hilltop Updater has been updated! We have switched to a cheaper webserver.
Enjoy the pictures of our July 4th party, click here or on the Parties menu above!
Winter, 2010.
Winter is coming. To make you feel warmer, look at the pictures from last winter here. Will we have another snowmaggedon? The pony index (based on the thickness of their winter coats) presages a mild winter, but keep an eye on the acorns!
Water alarms cost $10 - $50. They are available from Home Depot, Loews, Sears, and by mail from Amazon.com. Buy one or two today!