Hilltop Community Meeting Minutes

July 4, 2014



We were so lucky this year to have a gorgeous day for Hilltop’s 46th Annual 4th of July Brunch/Business Meeting.  This was preceded by a bike parade attended by visiting grandchildren as well as the neighborhood kids with their patriotically decorated bikes and strollers. There are a few photos on the website already.  Please email any that you wish to share to Lance at: webmaster@hilltopupdater.net


As always, many thanks to Elizabeth and Ian Richards for allowing the continued use of their carport for this annual brunch and meeting. The perfect place!


This year, the event was attended by 26 adult residents plus children and visiting family members. Seventeen homes were represented by at least one person.  (Two additional families attended the bike parade but were unable to stay for the brunch/meeting.)



President’s Message


Bryan had a rare opportunity to visit family in Ohio this year so he and his family were not present.  Ian acted in his place and called the meeting together and welcomed everyone.  He said that Bryan had sent an agenda for the meeting and he called upon various board members to speak.



Helping Hands Committee


Carol Leahy spoke of Joe Fenton’s recent death and the memorial service attended by many residents of Hilltop. She said that Roz will need support from all of us in the coming weeks and beyond, such as asking her if she needs anything when going to the grocery or drug stores. Roz’s grandson, Ishai, stayed with her for some weeks after other family members returned home, however he left on July 3rd.  Roz has been grateful for all the help and support from the community to date, during both Joe’s illness and her own recovery following a fall in which she fractured her hip. Carol took a plate of food to her from the brunch today.


Carol further said that she and her family have been very grateful for the support given during Mike’s illness.




Treasury  Report


Ian reported that almost everyone was up-to-date with their dues for 2014 except about five residents. He said that most people have been very responsible.  (The dues are due at the beginning of each year at the time of the Winter Party.) The current balance in the Treasury is $5,400.



County Liaison Report


Ron gave a thorough report of the zoning changes taking place in Montgomery County. The County Council is in favor of urbanizing the entire lower part of the County to achieve growth and more tax revenue. New, simpler, zoning classifications to achieve urbanization were passed by the County Council in the spring. Every piece of property in the county will get one of the new zones, indicated in amendments to the current zoning map. These “map amendments” are currently being worked out and will become effective on October 1. In particular, there is concern about how the Cabin John Shopping Center will be zoned. Under the currently proposed zoning, any new construction would eliminate the parking lots on Seven Locks and Tuckerman, and switch to multilevel parking structures behind street-side storefronts with overhead apartments (like newer developments such as Pike & Rose or Rockville Town Center). A change in zoning could drastically change the character of the surrounding areas to make them more urban, less suburban.


All of the Hilltop residents present thought this was a bad idea. This is an election year for the County Council and this is the time to make our wishes known. Everyone’s voice counts and other communities must become involved. Ron has talked with Jerry Garson of Regency Estates, who is well-informed about these issues. Garson believes that the fact that there is a decrepit 8-foot diameter water main under Tuckerman Lane will be a possible factor in our favor. Ron will send out a sample e-mail so that we will know how to present our concerns to the County Council. Carol L. will send out a list of the e-mail addresses of all the Council members. It was agreed that the more people who send e-mails to the Council, the better. We should each change the sample e-mail slightly so it doesn’t look like a form letter.


Social Committee


Lynette followed Ron in speaking and said something very touching about America’s Independence Day.  She is from the Philippines and said that there is no opportunity there for the citizens to lobby the government as we are trying to do with the County Council. The people don’t have a say in decisions like this.


She announced that Len and Judy Schreiber are selling their home and would soon be leaving Hilltop after 15 years. They will be close by, however, in a condo on Democracy Blvd. so we will still see them, especially at the two annual Hilltop social events.  Lynette presented them with a “goodbye” card signed by everyone present today.


Judy thanked everyone for all they had done to help her during her convalescence and said she was very sad to leave Hilltop.  She had previously not lived in a suburban environment and she loved it here.


Len also thanked everyone for their kindness and said that he had previously lived in Flower Valley for about 35 years, but never felt the sense of community that he feels here.



Landscaping Committee Report


Carol S. said that the County has marked the two dead cherry trees near the gazebo for removal. In addition, there are large, deep ruts in the grass near the bottom of the hill caused by water flow damage from heavy rains. Carol reported this problem to the County in April. Hilltop is not unique in this type of damage; Carol has seen similar problems in other areas of the County.


Len mentioned that Pepco has inspected two trees, one on his property and one between his house and Roz’s house, and has scheduled them to be cut back. Len and Roz were required to sign a waiver for this to take place.


Ian has had experience with having Pepco cut a tree. He said they cut the tree only to the level of the wires and they don’t haul away the debris. Nevertheless, it still saves the homeowner money.


Pepco will cut any tree, whether on county or personal property, if found to endanger the power lines. If on personal property, they need the authorization of the homeowner.



Webmaster’s Report


Lance reported that Hilltop’s website, www.HilltopUpdater.net has been up and running for eight years now – with no crashes!


Lance has recently posted the obituary for Joe Fenton from the Washington Post and will add photos from today’s bike parade. If you have some good photos, please send them to Lance.


Manning mentioned that former resident, Jacob Brody, had recently died and Lance will add this information to the website also.


Be sure to look under “History,” “Photos,” etc. for past events. Anyone with new ideas for content to include on the website is encouraged to contact Lance.