Winter Party 2007
Hilltop's Winter Party for 2007 went off very well on St. Patrick's Day. A special thanks to our gracious hostess Norma, and Carol, our organizer! Thanks also to Jane, Ron and Donna for the photos.
Meet our newest neighbors, Bryan and Kia!
Art, Carol, Bryan, Larry
Kitchen is always the site of the action!
Larry looking presidential!
Celia and Lenny
Bob with two Greek delights!
Bob, Larry, Jane, Bryan and Kia
Carol and Norma found something very funny!
Lance and Donna, our mushiest couple!
Gathered for Story-telling.
Donna, Larry, Carol and Celia
Gisela and Klaus in front of the Rubik's quilt!
Ron, Art and Carol
Larry and Carol
Jane, Roz and Celia -- and Irish Coffee!
Joanie and Norma
Nancy and Klaus
Celia, Nancy and Gisela
Ron and Jane 'Til next time, may the luck of the Irish be with you!