



Hilltop Community Winter Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2017 



Our Winter Party and brief business meeting were held at the home of Lance and Donna Optican this year. The party was attended by 15 Hilltop families, one half of the 30 dues-paying homes of the Hilltop Civic Association, plus one invited guest, former resident Len Schreiber. It was wonderful to see Len again. There were 27 individuals in all.



President’s Message


Ron welcomed everyone and, after enjoying a delicious meal, called the meeting together.  He thanked Lance and Donna for providing their home for the Winter Party this year and also Lynette for handling the invitations, purchasing supplies, and organizing everything.


Ron announced that the Cabin John Shopping Center had been sold by the Carl Freeman Corp. to Edens, a retail developer for $165 million in December. The shopping center currently includes ~214,000 square feet of retail and office space. This can potentially be increased to add an additional 700,000 square feet of new development with approval from the County. Glenn pointed out that there is a 35 ft. height limitation currently in effect, so a high-rise cannot currently be built.


Ron also stated that the County is aware that the intersection at Tuckerman Lane and Seven Locks Road is a “failed intersection.” A right turn lane is planned from northbound Seven Locks Road to Tuckerman Lane, to be funded by the developers of Park Potomac at Montrose Road. The County is also aware of problems caused by the bus stop on Seven Locks Road just north of Tuckerman Lane and of general traffic congestion.



Treasury Report


Lenny said that a detailed financial statement covering the last year will be sent to everyone in the near future. Dues for 2017 will remain the same at $150 per household payable to “Hilltop Civic Association” and are due at this time.


During 2016 the roof of the gazebo was replaced by Dan and Ron R. (See photo on Hilltop’s website.) 



Landscaping Committee Report


Carol S. said that it costs about $2,000 per year to maintain the hill (grass cutting, weeding, pruning, and other maintenance). Approximately half of that goes to services by Dan and the other half to Oscar. She pointed out that the almost 50-year-old cherry trees are dying and will need to be replaced. This will be an expected expense of hundreds, but not thousands, of dollars.

Social Committee


Lynette thanked everyone for the delicious dishes and said that it’s not too early to request a volunteer to host next year’s Winter Party. Please let her know if you are willing to do this. According to Donna, all you need to do is rearrange a few chairs, create or designate a space for coats, and open your front door. She said Lynette brings disposable plates, utensils, cups, napkins, etc., and the guests bring all of the food. Clean-up is so easy – you just need a large trash bag!



Helping Hands Committee


Carol L. asked everyone to please let her know if any neighbors become ill and/or otherwise have need of assistance.



Hilltop’s Website


Lance recently added new content including lots of nice photos to the Hilltop Website at He encouraged everyone to send him any announcements or information of interest they would like to see on the website.





County repair: “Norma’s corner” at the top of the hill has been a problem area for a long time with trucks running over the curb and creating a mess. She said that the green road markers kept getting knocked over and called the County to see what could be done. Within a couple of weeks, the County arrived and installed sturdier reflective posts to protect the corner. They also seeded the area with grass seed.


Renovation: Barb and Rob Nooter thanked everybody for their patience and understanding regarding their home renovation which is expected to be finished in about a month. They plan to have an open house of some type to show everyone the results.


Fireplace: Lance mentioned that he had noticed a crack in the refractory cement of his fireplace several years ago and had to have it replaced. He suggested that people check their fireplaces for cracks every year before lighting their first fire. Klaus added that after the cement is repaired, you can install a metal reflector plate to protect the fire brick.


Wine: There are two bottles of red wine ($12 ea) and four bottles of white wine ($9 ea) left over from the case of wine that Lenny purchased for the party. Anyone can purchase these and Lenny will deduct that amount from the amount charged to the treasury.




(Minutes recorded by Donna Optican)