



Hilltop Community Summer Meeting Minutes

July 4, 2016 


Introduction and President’s Message


This year our Hilltop 4th of July brunch and annual meeting took place back at its favorite place, the carport at 11029, thanks to the generosity of our newest residents, Veronica and Gustavo, who purchased their house exactly one year ago. We had a terrific turnout representing 23 households including 34 Hilltop adults, plus one former resident, visiting family members, and kids.  The larger than usual turnout was attributed to thunderstorms being predicted for the early afternoon, which cancelled many other events. We were lucky on two fronts: the larger turnout and we escaped the rain (which arrived later). So, the kid’s bike parade was successful also!

President Ron opened the meeting and thanked Veronica and Gustavo for allowing our community’s 4th of July party to continue its tradition in their carport – the perfect place for this event. He thanked Lynette, Hilltop’s Social Committee Chair, (and her daughter, Cosette, who helped!) for arranging everything. Lynette and Cosette also placed beautiful US flags along the entire street. The food was delicious, as always.

The Formans’ were back again this year; Kenan and sons, Noah and Sasha returned from their new home in Aspen, Colorado in time to get to the party. Len Schreiber also returned to Hilltop to visit with everybody. (Lillian D. sends greetings to everyone and said she will try to come to the Winter Party.)

Ron reported that the entrance to our community has been enhanced by the addition of a new street light, which he had requested from the County. There were also landscaping changes at the gazebo that improved visibility when turning into Seven Locks Rd.

Another street light, about halfway along the street, had burned out and Ron let the County know. This was replaced very soon after his call.




Lenny reported that the Treasury is in good shape and that only two households have not paid their dues for 2016. (One of those has not participated for many years.)




Carol S., Landscape Committee Chair, has been working with Oscar and Dan to maintain and improve the appearance of the hillside. New shrubs and grasses have been planted that should do well in that location. Spring-flowering bulbs, which produce deer-resistant flowers, will be planted before the ground freezes. The roof of the gazebo needs repairs and Carol will obtain cost estimates for this work.


Our Street


Our street has been paved with new asphalt during the past year. The County planted new grass along the edges, which has already been damaged in some areas by trucks. The community recently purchased green road markers to try to prevent further damage. They have been in place around the curve at the top of the hill for over a month and have worked well so far. Residents who currently have markers of other colors were offered the opportunity of switching to the new green ones for a more uniform look. Anyone who needs them can ask for them.


Hilltop Updater Update


Lance encouraged everyone to check our Hilltop website at  Send him any pictures or notices you would like the community to see. There will be several updates in the near future, such as these minutes (under the Business tab) and photos from the bike parade and brunch.

One neighbor has had a basement flood recently and Lance mentioned that everyone should consider protecting areas around washing machines, sinks, drains etc. with something called a water leak alarm, available at Strosniders, Home Depot, and Amazon (very easy to install, ~$10). It gives off a loud alarm if it gets wet.

Next Business Meeting


Lynette asked for a volunteer to host the winter party/meeting in their home. It is not too early to plan for this! Please get in touch with her if you are willing to do this. The host always gets to keep some yummy leftovers!


(Minutes recorded by Donna)