



Hilltop Community Winter Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2018 


Our Winter Party and brief business meeting were held this year at the beautiful, newly remodeled home of our new(er) neighbors, Rob and Barbara Nooter. The party was attended by 17 Hilltop families (two more than last year). There were 29 individuals in all (also two more than last year).


President’s Message


After enjoying a delicious meal, Ron welcomed everyone and called the meeting together.  He thanked Rob and Barbara for providing their lovely home for the Winter Party this year and also Carol for organizing the party. He said that everything is going well in the community.


Last year Ron announced that the Cabin John Shopping Center had been sold by the Carl Freeman Corp. to Edens, a retail developer, for $165 million. This year he reported on the progress to date based mainly on attendance at a Potomac community meeting held on December 19th that was organized by Edens, and on filings with the county. Four restaurants are being planned in a 10,000 sq. ft. space in the southwest corner. They are Cava, Shake Shack, a Thai restaurant, and Le Pain Quotidien.


In addition, 60 townhomes are planned for the far northeast corner of the property (behind Lahinch Restaurant), plus an additional 75,000 sq. ft. of commercial space in other parts of the shopping center. There is a height restriction of 35 ft. so the townhomes will be limited to two stories; the restaurants will have one story. The townhomes, the restaurant construction and the additional commercial space will significantly reduce the available number of parking spaces at the shopping center. During the community meeting on Dec. 19th, Ron reported that he forcefully expressed his opinion that it was essential to provide for adequate parking with spaces large enough for SUVs. He told the group that the area had a large number of seniors who utilize the shopping center and would need parking close to the stores. There may be a possible traffic light at the north entrance to the shopping center.


Construction is underway at the intersection of Tuckerman Lane and Seven Locks Road. One additional lane is being added northbound through the intersection and one in the eastbound direction. The lanes will be 11 feet wide, which is narrower than the current lanes. The work is scheduled to be finished in April but may take a bit longer.

Treasury Report


Lenny reported that the treasury is in good shape with a balance of about $4,000. All but two households (the same two as in previous years) have paid their dues for 2017. Dues for 2018 will remain the same at $150 per household payable to “Hilltop Civic Association” and are due by March 1st. Lenny will send an email notice to everyone so that the people not attending the party will be notified.


Social Committee


Carol thanked the Nooter’s for their generous hospitality and everybody attending for bringing tasty dishes. She also said that the Trouteaud’s, our newest neighbors, wanted to come, but were unable due to their son’s soccer game.




Ellery said she thought it would be helpful to have a sign at the entrance, “No thru traffic.” She also asked about PEPCO’s responsibility to cut the grass during the summer to lessen the number of mosquitoes. PEPCO is responsible for cutting the grass and we should all call to remind them when it is needed. In the past PEPCO has responded to neighbors’ requests.


Manning asked about the recent letters we’ve all received about purchasing additional insurance for the water and sewer lines that homeowners are responsible for between the county right of way and their home. Lance mentioned that he had looked into it at one point and learned that the companies that offer this are often not very helpful when there is a problem, i.e., the homeowner is still responsible for much of the cost. Everyone should evaluate these offers carefully.


The following people were thanked for their service to the community: Carol L. (Social Committee Chair), Lenny S. (Treasurer), Carol S. (Landscape Committee Chair), Lance O. (Webmaster), and Donna O. (Secretary).

(Minutes recorded by Donna O.)