


Hilltop Updater Business News

July 4, 2011 Business Meeting:

Carol Simon called the business meeting together and made several announcements.  She first thanked Mandy Lamar for her work as Social Committee Chairperson for the past several years and for planning today’s event.  She also thanked Kenan Forman and Bryan Cook for serving consecutively as Treasurer, Carol Leahy for her role as Secretary, and Bibi Meer as Landscaping Chairperson.   These positions will be filled for the following two years by Bryan Cook as President (selected by a committee of the past presidents), Ian Richards as Treasurer, Donna Optican as Secretary, Celia Schuchman as Social Committee Chairperson, and Carol Simon as Landscaping Committee Chairperson.  Lance Optican continues as Webmaster for the Hilltop Updater and Carol Leahy continues as Chairperson of the Helping Hands Committee begun at the Winter Party in response to a number of recent serious illnesses and injuries.  (A description of the various committees will be found soon on the website.)

A newly-formed committee, the County Liaison Committee, will be chaired by Lenny Schuchman.  Ron Stern has volunteered to work with Lenny on this effort.  Kenan Forman offered to continue working with the County offices on snow storm issues and agreed to call the County regarding the current dirt and gravel collection at the bottom of the hill resulting from poor drainage on the west side of the hill.  Ron suggested presenting this matter to the County as a safety issue since cars can skid on the gravel.  Kenan also mentioned that the County will re-paint the double yellow line on the curve of the hill.

Snow Plow Issues:  Several people have attempted to get estimates to plow the street during snow storms because the County services can be slow to respond.  They were unable to get any private companies to even come to give a cost estimate.  Kenan has been working with the County and reports that we are at least now on the map (apparently at times in the past we were not) and County plowing should improve.

Gas Generators:  Lenny will obtain information regarding the purchase of supplemental gas generators to see if a discount can be given for quantities of five or more generators.  Larry Friend purchased one during the past year and said that the installation requires a gas meter change which costs about $400.

Dead Trees:  Carol Simon reported that the County has marked quite a few dead trees for removal on County property between Seven Locks Road and the hill on Seven Hill Lane, and on the east side of the hill. She has been in contact several times with Rodney Roffer (240-777-7666), the head of the Montgomery County department for removing trees.  It was questioned whether people living on that side of the hill knew they had responsibility for trees on their property and whether they knew exactly where their property line ended and the County property began. 

Mike Leahy mentioned that the stone wall at the entrance is in danger of falling at some point in the future and that the wall is owned by the Hilltop Community. The weight of the trees as a group is a contributing factor.  If the wall ever collapses, the County would not replace it but would slope the hillside by terracing it upwards.

Kenan reported that PEPCO had come several times to trim trees that endangered the power lines (through their subcontractor, Asplundh) and had recently cut down a tree outside of Judy List’s fence. 

Budget:  Bryan reported that the cost of landscaping services has gone up.  The recent invoice for mulching the west side of the hill was about 30-40% of the entire budget.  Therefore our annual dues may have to be raised.  He reassured us that he was talking about a raise of $25 to $50, not an enormous increase, especially considering that there has not been an increase for many, many years. About five or six households have still not paid their 2011 dues and reminders will be sent to them.  Bryan also said it would be good to have enough money in the treasury to be able to remove a fallen tree if necessary in an emergency.


Donna read a brief email from Hui Sheng (Lu) who is in Shanghai in which she sent her “warm regards to all of our neighbors” and said “Enjoy the party and my heart is with you.”  She will return on Sept. 1st.

Barbara Frey thanked the community for its kindness after her knee surgery and offered to co-chair the Social Committee with Celia.

Lance thanked Carol Simon for her service to the community as President for the past two years.  He also asked people to send photos from today and any other news or information they wish to contribute to the online Hilltop Updater (  His email address is:

Ron Stern mentioned that the reflector tape on the guard rail at the entrance has faded and asked if anyone had any objection to his replacing it.  They did not.

Lenny brought today’s Washington Post to the brunch and mentioned a front-page article featuring Jane Stern who is in Chicago for the annual National Education Association meeting.  Her photo appears on p. 4.

The Seven Locks Rd. Sidewalk and Bikeway project has been dropped for now.