Hilltop Updater Business News
Members present: Bryan Cook, President
Donna Optican, Secretary
Carol Simon, Landscape Committee Chair
Celia Schuchman, Social Committee Co-Chair
Lance Optican, Editor Hilltop Updater Website
Carol Leahy, Helping Hands Committee Chair
Lenny Schuchman, County Liaison Chair
Members absent: Ian Richards, Treasurer
Barbara Frey, Social Committee Co-Chair
The meeting took place at the Optican’s home on July 30, 2012
Treasurer’s Report
Bryan gave a brief summary of the state of the treasury in Ian’s absence. Six or seven homes had still not paid dues as of several weeks ago. There was approximately $1,400 in the treasury before two recent invoices from Oscar ($700) and Dan (for repairing the steps to the gazebo -- $100). Celia suggested going in person to anyone who has not yet paid. It was agreed to set a date due for the dues next year; this will be synonymous with the date of the Winter Meeting.
Carol made three contacts to get estimates for plantings on the hill. The first person was not interested in the job. Oscar, who now maintains the hill, gave an estimate of $1,400. The third estimate from Aldenir Fidelis who currently maintains the lawns of six or seven residents, gave an estimate of $3,400. It was not clear what they planned to actually do in the way of plantings so the materials and labor may not have been equivalent, but we decided that $3,400 was too much to spend. Oscar later reduced his price to $700 in return for reducing the scope of the work.
We discussed the general problems of not enough sunlight and not having a supply of water. One year we had a watering truck for new plantings but it was expensive.
Lenny suggested getting an estimate the next time from Jose who works at Umberto’s at Cabin John and does landscaping/yard work on the side. He also suggested scheduling a day when community members could volunteer as a group and do any planting or weeding necessary.
Road Repairs
Recently our road was patched by the County. Apparently no one asked the County to do this, however, Carol L. said she had called our County Councilman’s (Roger Berliner’s) office, to ask that someone come to evaluate the runoff on the hill that results in mud accumulating at the bottom of the hill after every major rain. As mentioned at the last Board meeting, this is a safety issue since cars can slide there. Apparently this resulted in the County surveying the entire street and patching three large areas where there were cracks in the asphalt. However, the patched areas have settled and are not level with the existing asphalt. In addition, there is a hole off the road near the curve at the top of the hill that is marked by an orange cone. The County is supposed to return to remedy this situation and Carol will speak with Roger Berliner, whom she knows personally. (See Addendum #2 below.)
We discussed the need for the dues to be raised. The dues have remained at $100 for as long as anyone could remember, yet costs have increased. The dues cover maintenance and some landscaping of the hill, and repairs and insurance on the gazebo, however the funds are not sufficient to properly maintain the appearance of the hill. In addition, we all agreed that we need to have a reserve for emergencies such as repairs to the stone wall and possibly tree services. Currently the roof of the gazebo needs attention. This committee unanimously supported a dues increase of $50. We will have a vote at the next meeting to obtain a 2/3 approval. Anyone who does not attend the next meeting will be polled individually.
Labor Day Bike Parade, Brunch and Meeting
Since we had to cancel the 4th of July brunch and meeting (though the bike parade went on as scheduled) due to so many people being away, the extremely hot weather, and primarily the fact that the power had been off for several days and had just been restored on the afternoon of July 2nd, we will have this event on Labor Day – Monday, September 3rd. And we will have another bike parade. Celia will revise the previous Evite invitation and send it to everybody. Donna will help.
Helping Hands Committee
Carol asked that anyone who hears from a neighbor of their illness or hospitalization tell the person to call her if they need any assistance. Carol, and her committee, can offer help in many different ways, but unless she knows she cannot do anything.
Hilltop Address List
We discussed adding cell phone numbers to the community address list if anyone wants to do so because when the electricity is out, neighbors cannot get in touch with each other using home phone numbers. Several families left the area during the recent power outage and did not know the power had returned. Someone pointed out that if they call their home phone, it will ring if the power has returned. Interestingly, of the five home generators on the street, one did not work during this recent outage.
Street Lights
Donna noted that our street lights have changed from the cold, harsh mercury vapor lights to the warm, soft sodium vapor lights. No one on the committee knew what instigated this change.
1) This was not brought up at the meeting but Bryan presented Ron with a letter of appreciation, signed by the Board members, for his volunteer work last winter in cleaning up the hill after PEPCO (or the County) left large tree pieces on the hillside. Ron also sawed, and disposed of, a fallen tree that had not been completely removed from the road.
2) Lenny reported after the meeting that after several phone calls over a period of several weeks to the County Department of Transportation, he was able to get a response. The road crew is scheduled to return during the last week of August to complete the work on our road. (They actually came the very next morning after Lenny’s phone call, so there was not time to notify the community.)
3) Carol L. reported after the meeting that Celia and Norma are also now members of the Helping Hands Committee. They will be added to the Contact list on Hilltop’s website: www.HilltopUpdater.net