


Hilltop Updater Board Meeting

Hilltop Community Board Minutes

December 3, 2013



Members present:

Bryan Cook, President


Ian Richards, Treasurer


Donna Optican, Secretary


Carol Simon, Landscape Committee Chair


Lance Optican, Editor Hilltop Updater Website


Ron Stern, County Liaison Co-Chair



Members absent:

Carol Leahy, Helping Hands Committee Chair


Lynette Melcher, Social Committee Chair


Glenn Melcher, County Liaison Co-Chair


The meeting took place at the Optican’s home.  This meeting was called for the purpose of re-grouping with the new board members and for planning the annual winter party.


County Liaison Committee

We had a long discussion, led by Ron Stern, about the proposed new zoning categories to be applied throughout Montgomery County and specifically as related to the Cabin John Shopping Center.  Ron attended the County Council hearing last June and gave testimony on behalf of the community aimed toward retaining the current character of the shopping center as a Neighborhood Retail Zone.  He gave a report of this to the community at Hilltop’s July 4th Brunch. This evening he came equipped with handouts of sections (pp. 43-49 and p. 63) from the Potomac Subregion Master Plan (2002) for the committee that he was told, by the planning staff, formed the impetus for the proposed changes.  The Master Plan can be found online:

A major concern with the proposed new zoning is that the set-back requirements are being eliminated and that parking between the building line and the street will be prohibited.  This would allow new development to be built right up to the street, as has been done in the Rockville Town Center.  The new zoning categories (called Commercial Retail Town) are the same as the Rockville Town Center.  Potomac Village, on the other hand, even though it has more current commercial development and more community services (such as a public library and a post office) is scheduled to retain its current designation and character as a neighborhood shopping center.

Comprehensive information on the proposed new zoning law can be found at  .  

Summary simplified fact sheets for both the CRT (Commercial Retail Town) zone and the NR (Neighborhood Retail) zone can be found at  . 

The maps showing both the existing zones and the new zoning designations can be found at  .

Bryan will reach out to other nearby community organizations to see their reaction and we will discuss this at the Winter Party.


Treasury Report:

Ian reported that our account balance is $3,150 and that eight families are currently not up-to-date through 2013 with their dues.  Celia, as former Treasurer and long-time resident, has offered to help with this and her assistance will be accepted.  Ian will send an email to the community reminding everyone that the dues for 2014 will be due by the end of January.


Landscaping Committee Report:

Someone mentioned that the tall grasses at the gazebo interfere with visibility when exiting our street.  Carol will talk with Oscar about this and possibly transplant them in the Spring. 

Carol reported that the work that the County performed seems to have solved the problem of the rain water run-off.  After creating a rock-filled culvert, the County then placed sod along the entire hill. (Carol was instrumental in getting the County to do this work!)




Winter Party:

Unfortunately Lynette could not attend this meeting due to an urgent late evening at her office.  Donna will meet with her to discuss the plans for the party. 

Donna and Lance have volunteered to host the party this year so there won’t be a need to send a request asking for a host. Donna stated that they had not been the hosts for about 10 years so, “it is time!”

The date will be Saturday evening, January 25th at 7:00 PM.  An invitation (via will be sent at the beginning of January.


Addendum:  If anyone wants to THANK the County for all the work they have performed on the Hill they can contact the Department of Transportation, Division of Highway Services at   Please send a copy (or bcc) of your email to Bryan: