


Hilltop Updater Board Meeting

Hilltop Community Board Minutes

May 28, 2013


Members present:
Bryan Cook, President
Ian Richards, Treasurer
Donna Optican, Secretary
Carol Simon, Landscape Committee Chair
Celia Schuchman, Social Committee Chair
Lance Optican, Editor Hilltop Updater Website
Lenny Schuchman, County Liaison Chair

Members absent:
Carol Leahy, Helping Hands Committee Chair

The meeting took place at the Schuchman’s home.  This meeting was called for the purpose of nominating the officers and committee chairpersons for the following two years.  Each of the current board members left the room beyond hearing distance during the discussion of the role he or she currently held in the community.  There was a discussion to consider each position and determine who may be willing and best to serve for the following 2-year period.  The conclusion was as follows:
Bryan (President) - Nominated unanimously.
Ian (Treasurer) - Nominated unanimously.
Lenny (County Liaison) – In thinking of the future of Hilltop and the premise of involving the next generation in the community, Lenny prefers to step aside.  The Committee nominated Glenn Melcher to this position.  Glenn was instrumental in condensing and editing the Bylaws to fit our community and did a superb job.
Donna (Secretary) – Nominated unanimously.
Lance (Webmaster) – Nominated unanimously.
Celia (Social Committee Chair) – After serving in this role (and many prior roles) for the community, Celia would prefer to turn this over to someone else for the next term.  A couple of people were suggested who the Committee thought could handle this position.
Carol Simon (Landscape Committee Chair) – Nominated unanimously.
Carol Leahy (Helping Hands Committee) – Carol was unable to attend the meeting and unfortunately had not been asked at last week’s meeting as to whether or not she was willing to continue.  Bryan will contact her.  If she wishes to continue she has the unanimous vote of the committee due to her helpfulness with the many illnesses/injuries/surgeries during the past two years and her expertise with meeting procedures.
Bryan and Lenny will approach Glenn about the position of County Liaison.
Ian and Bryan will contact the recommended nominees regarding the Social Committee.
Bryan will send an email listing the nominees from the Nominating Committee to the community.  ALL positions are open for nomination from the entire community. He will also ask for a vote from those who know they will not be  present at the meeting.
Lenny offered to be on a Bylaws editing committee since there are minor changes needed to the Bylaws.
In keeping with the guidelines established for gift giving, the Hilltop Community will present Ramon Mayceras with a gift upon his departure.  Ramon and Silvia Maceyras were original members of Hilltop.  Ramon will be moving to a condominium in Rockville.

1)   It turned out that Celia found her replacement.  The new Social Committee Chairperson will be Lynette Melcher.
2)  Glenn Melcher has kindly agreed to act as Hilltop’s liaison with the County.