Hilltop Updater Board Meeting
Members present:
Bryan Cook, President
Ian Richards, Treasurer
Donna Optican, Secretary
Carol Simon, Landscape Committee Chair
Celia Schuchman, Social Committee Chair
Carol Leahy, Helping Hands Committee Chair
Lance Optican, Editor Hilltop Updater Website
Lenny Schuchman, County Liaison Chair
The meeting took place at the Optican’s home.
Since the last meeting, Barbara Frey has resigned from the Board and her position as Co-Chair of the Social Committee due to health reasons.
President’s Report
This meeting was called primarily to discuss the pending zoning changes at Cabin John Shopping Center and Mall. This matter was brought to the Board’s attention in a letter from Jane Stern to Bryan who forwarded it to the rest of the Board. The issue is to determine what action, if any, the Hilltop community should take.
County Liaison’s Report
Lenny has investigated this matter. The current zoning is RMX-2C and it is set to change to RMX-CRT-0.75. Both categories include a mix of residential and commercial. The maximum density will remain the same. He said the issues for Hilltop are:
There will be a public meeting with the County Council on June 11th.
He will have more information tomorrow after speaking with Pamela Dunn.
Election of New Officers
The current Board members will have served for two years as of July 4th. Elections will be held for all offices at the upcoming July 4th business meeting. The Board will call a special meeting (Tuesday, May 28, 8:00 PM at the Schuchman’s home) to nominate all Board members. Current members are eligible for nomination, as well as other community members, but current members cannot vote for the office for which they currently hold, and will not be present for discussion of that nomination.
Landscaping Report
Carol has not initiated new work on the hill because she was not clear on the amount that is available to spend or what the budget should be for this. The area needs weeding and completion of the wood chip project for starters. Ian gave a report of the current state of the treasury (see below) and Carol said she can budget for the maintenance that is needed.
Treasurer’s Report
Ian reported that fewer than 6 families are not fully caught up through 2013 with payment of dues. The current balance in the account is $3,857.75. The new bank is charging a monthly fee that Ian will try to have eliminated, or we may need to change banks again.
Celia offered to assist the Treasurer in collecting the outstanding dues.
Bryan reported that one community member was opposed to instituting written Bylaws. He suggested adding a paragraph to the Bylaws stating that “nothing that the Association does can impact the personal property of any resident.”
There is actually nothing in the Bylaws that would affect personal property, however the Board felt that a sentence like this could be added.
Follow-up from Lenny via email on 5/24/13 (cut and pasted here):
To All,
As discussed at the meeting yesterday, I had my conversation with Pamela Dunn today, who is the project manager for the rezoning plan.
This is a summary of our conversation:
1. The parking clause that will be required in the residents/commercial new CRT zones, does not apply to established shopping centers such as Cabin John. There is a grandfather clause in the new zoning plan. Thus the parking lots in Cabin John, off Tuckerman, should stay the same. Note that the existing zoning RMX-2C and the new zone CRT-0.75 are zones for mixed commercial and residential housing. Therefore the property owner today has the right to build on these parking lots. He/she has not done this and today it would seem to be impractical to modify this space.
2. The densities and heights shown in the tables for the draft CRT-0.75 zone are the statutory ranges that can be set (see attachment). Specific densities and heights within this range are set when zones are placed on the map. In a separate document I placed in the name Cabin John Mall and the map came up with the following information. The max height is 35 feet and the densities for both commercial and residential is .5. This is basically what it is today. I did ask if this was just for the Mall or was it also for the shopping center and all parking areas. Pamela Dunn replied that it was for everything
3. The June meeting is being held so that anyone who has questions/concerns with the new zoning plan can get answers and a better understanding of the plan. It is not a meeting that will result in determining whether the council will accept the plan. That will come later.
4. In summary, the Cabin John Mall and Shopping Center should not change aesthetically or practicably because of the new rezoning regulations
5. Pamela Dunn contact information: 301-495-4733.
6. The web site is: www.MontgomeryPlanning.org/forward/development/zoning