Hilltop Community Meeting Minutes

July 4, 2015


Our biannual business meeting took place at Hilltop’s 4th of July annual party. At the brunch/meeting twenty-nine adult residents represented twenty of our households, plus children, former residents (see below) and visiting family members – a great turnout!  President Bryan opened the meeting.

The rain was a novelty this 4th of July. No one remembers our party ever having been rained out before! Bryan thanked Lance and Donna for opening their home for the party on short-notice. Special thanks were also given to Lynette, our Social Committee Chair, for an amazing job in arranging the party and moving it so efficiently. The flags placed along the street were also conceived by her. As usual, the food was wonderful, so thanks to everyone who provided the food and drinks for the party.


New and Former Neighbors

Bryan welcomed our newest neighbors, Caroline and Christian, and Gustavo, Veronica and their 6-month-old infant, to the neighborhood. Caroline and Christian moved into the home of Len Schreiber and Judy Beltz last September. Gustavo and Veronica moved into the Richard’s home YESTERDAY. They were miraculously willing and able to come to the party today. The Richards have moved to Atlanta for business.

The Formans (Kenan, Virginia, Noah and Sasha) returned from their year in Aspen, Colorado, in time to get to the party. Len and Judy, Lillian Denicoff and Ramon Mayceras also joined us from their nearby new homes.



After three successful years as our Hilltop President, Bryan needs to step down to have more time with his children (now 3 and 6 years old). Thus, it is time for elections!  Nominations were opened for the positions of President, Treasurer, and Landscape Committee Chair.

Ron Stern was unanimously elected our new President, and Carol Simon was unanimously elected our new Treasurer. Congratulations to them, and best wishes for a successful administration!

The position of Landscape Committee Chair will be decided by the Hilltop Board which  will consider possible candidates. Carol S. will remain as Chair for now.

Everyone gave special thanks to Bryan, who was called “a kind and gentle soul.”


Bryan relayed regards from Ian, who has just moved to Atlanta. So far, the treasury seems to be in good shape, although some homes have not yet paid their dues for this year. Carol Simon will remind them to pay soon.



There were complaints that PEPCO has not mowed the grass on their right of way. Gnats are a problem in the area. Larry will send a contact number so that people can call PEPCO and complain. We will also ask Glenn to draft a letter to PEPCO reminding them to cut their grass, if the phone calls don’t work.

The issue of cutting the bushes around the gazebo was also raised. When the bushes get too tall, they block the view of cars turning left into Seven Hill Lane. We decided to ask our gardener (Oscar) to remove or trim one large bush.

PEPCO is supposed to trim tree branches or remove trees that encroach on a 12-foot radius around the power lines. Several trees in the neighborhood have been marked for work, but nothing has happened because the county has a moratorium on tree work until the rules by which PEPCO chooses trees are clarified.


Our Street

Ron Stern gave us an update on the new streetlight near the entrance at the bottom of our hill. A request for a bid has gone to PEPCO. The light may be installed as early as October.

It was noted that the white lines recently painted on the street indicate places where the asphalt will be patched. The patching on the hill may help with erosion. The County should send each resident a letter with the work schedule. You may have to move your car, but presumably you will be able to drive over the new asphalt in the evening.


Hilltop Updater Update

Lance encouraged everyone to check our Hilltop website at www.HilltopUpdater.net  Send him any pictures or notices you want to post for the group. There will be several updates in the near future such as the minutes (under the Business tab), info about the newest residents, and photos from today.


Helping Hands Committee

Carol Leahy (the chair), and Celia, Norma and Miriam work to make life a bit easier for our neighbors. Recently, Barbara F. needed heart surgery to replace a valve. She is recovering in a rehabilitation center and is due home on Tuesday. We wish her well. The Helping Hands can provide things like grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, or rides to the doctor, so let them know if there is a need.


Power Outages

Larry reminded everyone that they and the Freys have whole-house electrical generators. If there is ever a major outage, they have generously offered their homes as warming or cooling stations to any neighbors who need it.


Next Business Meeting

We tentatively scheduled our winter party and business meeting sometime before Jan. 12. The Meers have volunteered their home for the party.


(Minutes recorded by Lance and contributed to by Donna)



1) The date of the Winter Party has been set for Saturday, January 9th at 7:00 PM at the home of Bibi and Ahmed (11008).


2)  We have placed a request with PEPCO to have the grass cut and we now have a contact person and phone number to call directly if we need it in the future:                 Mr. Washington @ 301-548-4336.

Larry, Ellery, and Donna are placing calls to Mr. Washington. We’ll see if this effort is successful during the next week or so and if not, we will ask for more people to call Mr. Washington. It is unlikely that we will need a formal letter.


3)  Donna meant to formally thank Marcia Feinleib for taking the minutes of the meeting last February in my absence. She did a terrific job!