Hilltop Community Winter Meeting
February 7, 2015
The 2015 Hilltop Winter Party and brief business meeting were held at the home of Paul and Mandy Lemar. The party was attended by 15 current Hilltop families. We were glad to see Len and Judy Schreiber again.
President’s Message
Bryan Cook called a brief meeting and welcomed all the guests. He thanked the Lemars for hosting the event and thanked Lynette Melcher for organizing the party. He noted that the new residents, Caroline Chang and Christian Goettinger, were unable to attend because of a previous commitment.
Bryan announced that a change in the Board will take place at the time of the July 4, 1015 meeting. Bryan will be stepping down as President and Ian Richards will be stepping down as Treasurer. Ron Stern was nominated at the January 2015 Board meeting and agreed to be President and similarly, Carol Simon agreed to act as Treasurer. Nominations for these positions, however, are open to all in the community; anyone interested should contact Donna Optican. The position of Landscape Committee Chair will need to be filled by July. An email announcing these changes will be distributed.
Both Bryan and Ian enjoyed their years as officers in an actively engaged community, but work and family commitments preclude continuing in their positions.
Treasurer’s Report
Ian reported that our current balance is $4,100. He will send notices requesting the 2015 dues ($150 for the calendar year). He agreed to acknowledge receipt of checks left in the special mailbox.
Other Business
- Judy Schreiber had been in touch with Kenan. The family is doing well and anticipates returning to Hilltop in the spring.
- There were no updates regarding the rezoning and further development of Cabin John Shopping Center. It is a done deed.
- The issue of requesting a street light at the entranceway to the community was discussed. It should be installed on the pole on Seven Locks Road opposite the gazebo. Although Donna checked with the people who live closest to the proposed light pole and no one objected to it, the installation of a light is not guaranteed. Donna has a copy of the petition that should be signed by all Hilltop residents.
- The fallen tree on the service road caused a power outage for approximately 4 hours on Thursday Feb. 5. Pepco was prompt in restoring service. The mess left by the trees must be cleaned up by the county. [Note: the fallen trees and branches were cleared within the following week.]
- A number of trees along our service road have been marked with blue paint. These trees have been identified for removal by Pepco. Ron Stern offered the following information: According to the Pepco representative who was seeking permission to cut the trees, Pepco would cut down all of each tree it wanted to remove and would take away the cuttings. But, they will leave stumps.
- Finding a venue for our winter parties has been problematical. Len Schuchman proposed that on July 4, we hold a random selection process (a lottery) for homes in which to have the winter party. After much discussion, the consensus was that this is probably not a good idea. Celia mentioned that other facilities could be considered for holding the party.
- Carol Leahy thanked all the families for their help and kindness in the years of Mike’s illness. It is wonderful, she said, to live in such a kind, caring neighborhood.
(Minutes recorded by Marcia Feinleib)